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A Simple Subscriber Node

The Code

Copy all the code below into your file and (again) make sure you read the annotations to understand how it all works!
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# A simple ROS2 Subscriber

import rclpy # (1)!
from rclpy.node import Node

from example_interfaces.msg import String

class SimpleSubscriber(Node): # (2)! 

    def __init__(self): 
        super().__init__("simple_subscriber") # (3)!

        self.my_subscriber = self.create_subscription(
        ) # (4)!

            f"The '{self.get_name()}' node is initialised."
        ) # (5)!

    def msg_callback(self, topic_message: String): # (6)!
        # (7)!
            f"\nThe '{self.get_name()}' node heard:\n"
            f"  '{}'"

def main(args=None): # (8)!
    my_simple_subscriber = SimpleSubscriber()

if __name__ == '__main__':
  1. As with our publisher node, we need to import the rclpy client library and the String message type from the example_interfaces.msg library in order to write a Python ROS Node and use the relevant ROS messages:

  2. This time, we create a Python Class called SimpleSubscriber() instead, but which still inherits the Node class from rclpy as we did with the Publisher before.

  3. Once again, using the super() method we call the __init__() method from the parent Node class that our SimpleSubscriber class is derived from, and provide a name to use to register in on the network.

  4. We're now using the create_subscription() method here, which will allow this node to subscribe to messages on a ROS Topic. When calling this we provide 4 key bits of information:

    1. msg_type: The type of message that the topic uses (which we could obtain by running the ros2 topic info command).

      We know (having just created the publisher), that our topic uses String messages (from example_interfaces).

    2. topic: The name of the topic that we want to listen (or subscribe) to.

      Fill in the Blank!

      Replace the ?? in the code above with the name of the topic that our node was set up to publish to!

    3. callback: When building a subscriber, we need a callback function, which is a function that will execute every time a new message is received from the topic.

      At this stage, we define what this callback function is called (self.msg_callback), and we'll actually define the function itself further down within the Class.

    4. qos_profile: As before, a queue size to limit the amount of messages that are queued in a buffer.

  5. Print a Log message to the terminal to indicate that the initialisation process has taken place.

  6. Here we're defining what will happen each time our subscriber receives a new message. This callback function must have only one argument (other than self), which will contain the message data that has been received:

    We're also using a Python Type Annotation here too, which informs the interpreter that the topic_message that is received by the msg_callback function will be of the String data type.

    (All this really does is allow autocomplete functionality to work within our text editor, so that whenever we want to pull an attribute from the toic_message object it will tell us what attributes actually exist within the object.)

  7. In this simple example, all we're going to do on receipt of a message is to print a couple of log messages to the terminal, to include:

    1. The name of this node (using the self.get_name() method)

    2. The message that has been received (

  8. The rest of this is exactly the same as before with our publisher.

Don't Forget the Shebang!

Remember: don't forget the shebang, it's very important!

#!/usr/bin/env python3

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