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A Simple Publisher Node

The Code

Copy all the code below into your file and review the annotations to understand how it all works.


Don't forget the Shebang! See below for further details...
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# A simple ROS2 Publisher

import rclpy # (1)!
from rclpy.node import Node

from example_interfaces.msg import String # (2)!

class SimplePublisher(Node): # (3)!

    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__("simple_publisher") # (4)!

        self.my_publisher = self.create_publisher(
        ) # (5)!

        publish_rate = 1 # Hz
        self.timer = self.create_timer(
        ) # (6)!

            f"The '{self.get_name()}' node is initialised." # (7)!

    def timer_callback(self): # (8)!
        ros_time = self.get_clock().now().seconds_nanoseconds()

        topic_msg = String() = f"The ROS time is {ros_time[0]} (seconds)."
        self.get_logger().info(f"Publishing: '{}'")

def main(args=None): # (9)!
    my_simple_publisher = SimplePublisher()

if __name__ == '__main__': # (10)!
  1. rclpy is the ROS Client Library for Python.

    This is a vital import that allows us to create ROS nodes and initialise them on the ROS network.

    We also import the Node class from the rclpy.node library. This is a ready-made Python Class that contains all the necessary functionality that a Python ROS Node might need, so we'll use this as the basis for our own node (which we'll create shortly).

  2. We also need to import the String message type from the example_interfaces.msg library for publishing our messages.

  3. We create a Python class called SimplePublisher(), which we'll use to encapsulate all the functionality of our node.

    The vast majority of the functionality of this node is inherited from the rclpy.node, Node() Class which we imported above.

  4. Using the super() method we call the __init__() method from the parent Node class that our SimplePublisher class is derived from.

    We provide a name here, which is the name that will be used to register our node on the ROS network (we can call the node anything that we want, but it's a good idea to call it something meaningful).

  5. We then use the create_publisher() method (inherited from the Node class) in order to provide our node with the ability to publish messages to a ROS Topic. When calling this we provide 3 key bits of information:

    1. msg_type: The type of message that we want to publish.

      In our case, a String message from the example_interfaces.msg module.

    2. topic: The name of the topic that we want to publish these messages to.

      This could be an existing topic (in which case, we'd need to make sure we used the correct message type), or a new topic (in which case, the name can be anything we want it to be).

      In our case, we want to create a new topic on the ROS network called "my_topic".

    3. qos_profile: A queue size, which is a "Quality of Service" (QoS) setting which limits the amount of messages that are queued in a buffer.

      In our case, we're setting this to 10, which is generally appropriate for most of the applications that we'll be working on.

  6. Here, we're calling the create_timer() method, which we'll use to control the rate at which messages are published to our topic. Here we define 2 things:

    1. timer_period_sec: The rate at which we want the timer to run. This must be provided as a period, in seconds. In the line above, we have specified a publishing frequency (in Hz):

      publish_rate = 1 # Hz

      So the associated time period (in seconds) is:

      \(T = \frac{1}{f}\)

    2. callback: This is a function that will be executed every time the timer elapses at the desired rate (1 Hz). We're specifying a function called timer_callback, which we'll define later on in the code...

  7. Finally, we use the get_logger().info() method to send a Log message to the terminal to inform us that the initialisation of our node is complete.

  8. Here we define the timer callback function. Anything in here will execute at the rate that we specified when we created the create_timer() instance before. In our case:

    1. Use the get_clock() method to get the current ROS Time.
    2. Instantiate a String() message (defined as topic_msg).
    3. Populate this message with data. In our case, a statement that includes the ROS Time, as obtained above.
    4. Call the publish() method of our my_publisher object, to actually publish this message to the "my_topic" topic.
    5. Send the message data to the terminal as a log message as well, so that we can see what it is when our Node is actually running.
  9. With the functionality of our SimplePublisher class now established, we define a main() function for the Node. This will be fairly common to most Python Nodes that we create, with the following 5 key processes:

    1. Initialise the rclpy library.
    2. Create an instance of our SimplePublisher() node.
    3. "Spin" the node to keep it alive so that any callbacks can execute as required (in our case here, just the timer_callback()).
    4. Destroy the node once termination is requested (triggered by entering Ctrl+C in the terminal).
    5. Shutdown the rclpy library.
  10. Finally, we call the main() function to set everything going. We do this inside an if statement, to ensure that our node is the main executable (i.e. it has been executed directly (via ros2 run), and hasn't been called by another script)

Defining Package Dependencies

We're importing a couple of Python libraries into our node here, which means that our package has two dependencies: rclpy and example_interfaces:

import rclpy 
from rclpy.node import Node

from example_interfaces.msg import String

Its good practice to add these dependencies to your package.xml file. Locate this file (ros2_ws/src/part1_pubsub/package.xml), open it up and find the following line:


rclpy is therefore already defined as an execution dependency (which means that our package needs this library in order to execute our code), but we need to add example_interfaces as well, so add the following additional line underneath:


Job done. Save the file and close it.

The Shebang

The very first line of code looks like a comment, but it is actually a very crucial part of the script:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

This is called the Shebang, and it tells the operating system which interpreter to use to execute the code. In our case here, it tells the operating system where to find the right Python interpreter that should be used to actually run the code.

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