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A Simple Velocity Control Node (Move Circle)

The Initial Code

Start by returning to the file from your part1_pubsub package (or return here), and copy the contents into your new file. Then, adapt the code as follows.

Creating the "Move Circle" Node


Once again, rclpy and the Node class from the rclpy.node library are vital for any node we create, so the first two imports will remain the same.

We need to import the message type used by the /cmd_vel topic here though, in order to be able to format velocity command messages appropriately. We can find all the necessary information about this message type by using the ros2 topic info command:

$ ros2 topic info /cmd_vel
Type: geometry_msgs/msg/Twist

And so our message import becomes:

from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist # (1)!
  1. In place of: from example_interfaces.msg import String

Change the Class Name

Previously our publisher class was called SimplePublisher(), change this to Circle:

class Circle(Node):

Initialising the Class

  1. Initialise the node with an appropriate name:

  2. Change the create_publisher() parameters:

    self.my_publisher = self.create_publisher(
        msg_type=??, # (1)!
        topic=??, # (2)!
    1. What message type are we using here?
    2. What's the topic name?
  3. We'll need to publish velocity commands at a rate of at least 10 Hz, so set this here, and then set up a timer accordingly:

    publish_rate = 10 # Hz
    self.timer = self.create_timer(

Modifying the Timer Callback

Here, we'll publish our velocity commands:

def timer_callback(self):
    radius = 0.5 # meters
    linear_velocity = 0.1 # meters per second [m/s]
    angular_velocity = ?? # radians per second [rad/s] # (1)!

    topic_msg = Twist() # (2)!
    topic_msg.linear.x = linear_velocity
    topic_msg.angular.z = angular_velocity
    self.my_publisher.publish(topic_msg) # (3)!

    self.get_logger().info( # (4)!
        f"Linear Velocity: {topic_msg.linear.x:.2f} [m/s], "
        f"Angular Velocity: {topic_msg.angular.z:.2f} [rad/s].",
        throttle_duration_sec=1, # (5)!
  1. Having defined the radius of the circle, and the linear velocity that we want the robot to move at, how would we calculate the angular velocity that should be applied?

    Consider the equation for angular velocity:

    \[ \omega=\frac{v}{r} \]
  2. /cmd_vel uses Twist messages, so we instantiate one here, and assign the linear and angular velocity values (as set above) to the relevant message fields. Remember, we talked about all this here.

  3. Once the appropriate velocity fields have been set, publish the message.

  4. Publish a ROS Log Message to inform us (in the terminal) of the velocity control values that are being published by the node.

  5. Remember in the Odometry Subscriber how we used a counter (self.counter) and an if() statement to control the rate at which these log messages were generated?

    We can actually achieve exactly the same thing by simply supplying a throttle_duration_sec argument to the get_logger().info() call. Much easier, right?

Updating "Main"

Once again, don't forget to update any relevant parts of the main function to ensure that we're instantiating the Circle() class, spinning and shutting it down correctly.

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