Part 4 Move Service-Client¶
Copy all the code below into your
file and review the annotations to understand how it all works.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import rclpy
from rclpy.node import Node
from std_srv.srv import SetBool # Import the standard SetBool service
class MoveServiceClient(Node):
def _init_(self):
super()._init_('move_service_client') # Initialize the node with a name
self.client = self.create_client(SetBool, 'setbool') # Create a service client
while not self.client.wait_for_service(timeout_sec=1.0):
print('Waiting for the move_service to be available...')
self.request= SetBool.Request()
def send_request(self):
request = SetBool.Request() # Create a request object = True # Set the request data
future = self.client.call_async(request) # Call the service asynchronously
rclpy.spin_until_future_complete(self, future) # Wait until the future completes
if future.result() is not None:
print (f'Response: {future.result().success}, {future.result().message}')
print ('Service call failed')
def main(args=None):
rclpy.init(args=args) # Initialize the rclpy library
client = MoveServiceClient() # Create a client node
client.send_request() # Send the request to the service
client.destroy_node() # Clean up the node
rclpy.shutdown() # Shutdown rclpy
if _name_ == '_main_':