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Part 5 Preemptive Action Client

Copy all the code below into your file and then review the annotations!
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import rospy
import actionlib

from tuos_msgs.msg import CameraSweepAction, CameraSweepGoal, CameraSweepFeedback

class PreemptiveActionClient(): # (1)!
    goal = CameraSweepGoal() # (2)!

    def feedback_callback(self, feedback_data: CameraSweepFeedback): # (3)!
        self.captured_images = feedback_data.current_image
        print(f"FEEDBACK: Current yaw: {feedback_data.current_angle:.1f} degrees. "
              f"Image(s) captured so far: {self.captured_images}...")

    def __init__(self): # (4)!
        self.captured_images = 0
        self.action_complete = False

        node_name = "preemptive_camera_sweep_action_client"
        action_server_name = "/camera_sweep_action_server"


        self.rate = rospy.Rate(1)

        self.client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(action_server_name, 


    def shutdownhook(self): # (5)!
        if not self.action_complete:
            rospy.logwarn("Received a shutdown request. Cancelling Goal...")
            rospy.logwarn("Goal Cancelled...")

        # get the result: (6) 
        rospy.sleep(1) # wait for the result to come in
        print(f"  * Action State = {self.client.get_state()}")
        print(f"  * {self.captured_images} image(s) saved to {self.client.get_result()}")

    def send_goal(self, images, angle): # (7)!
        self.goal.sweep_angle = angle
        self.goal.image_count = images

        # send the goal to the action server:
        self.client.send_goal(self.goal, feedback_cb=self.feedback_callback)        

    def main(self):
        self.send_goal(images = 0, angle = 0) # (8)!
        i = 1 # (9)!
        print("While we're waiting, let's do our seven-times tables...")
        while self.client.get_state() < 2:
            print(f"STATE: Current state code is {self.client.get_state()}")
            print(f"TIMES TABLES: {i} times 7 is {i*7}")
            i += 1
        self.action_complete = True # (10)!

if __name__ == '__main__':
    {BLANK} # (11)!
  1. Everything is now contained within a Python Class.

  2. Instantiate a goal message object, which we'll use later to call the Camera Sweep action.

  3. The feedback callback function is exactly the same as the one in the from Exercise 2. Because we're working inside a Python Class now, we can make the captured_images variable available beyond the scope of this function by using the self prefix (previously this was achieved using the global statement).

  4. Classes require an __init__() method, which will be executed as soon as the class is instantiated. Here, we do all our initialisations:

    • Initialise some variables (captured_images, action_complete) and make them available throughout the class by prefixing with self.
    • Initialise the node (with a name).
    • Set a rate (1 Hz).
    • Create a connection to the action server and wait for it to become available.
    • Specify a function to be executed when the node is stopped (shutdown_ops()).

    ... none of this should be new to you now!

  5. The actual shutdown operations are defined here. This is how we make sure that the current goal is cancelled (using cancel_goal()), so that the action doesn't keep on running if this node is stopped prematurely (before the action has completed). This function will also execute when the action server completes successfully, so we use an action_complete flag to check whether this is the case (i.e. to avoid trying to cancel the goal if it's already finished!):

  6. This bit will execute regardless of whether the action completed successfully or was preempted. Here, we're getting three things and printing them to the terminal:

    1. The result from the action server.
    2. The action state (using the get_state() method).
    3. The final number of captured images (obtained from the last feedback message that was issued before the action stopped).
  7. The way the goal is defined and issued to the server is exactly the same as before, except this time it's done within this class method, so that it can be called from main().

  8. Call the goal.

  9. All this is the same as before (, i.e. monitor the state of the action with a while loop and do some concurrent operations (seven-times tables again!).

  10. The only difference is that we set this flag to True if the action manages to complete successfully.

  11. Fill in the Blank!

Fill in the Blank!

We have contained all our code inside a nice Python Class now, but how do we actually instantiate it and invoke the Action Call? (We've been doing this from the very beginning, and the process is very much the same here!)

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