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Part 6 Object Detection Node

Copy all the code below into your file, and make sure you read the annotations!

.. oh, and I'm sure I don't need to say it by now, but... DFTS!
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import rospy
from pathlib import Path # (1)!

import cv2
from cv_bridge import CvBridge, CvBridgeError # (2)!

from sensor_msgs.msg import Image # (3)!

# Initialisations: (4)
node_name = "object_detection"
print(f"Launched the '{node_name}' node. Currently waiting for an image...")
rate = rospy.Rate(5)

base_image_path = Path.home().joinpath("myrosdata/object_detection/")
base_image_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # (5)!

cvbridge_interface = CvBridge() # (6)!

waiting_for_image = True # (7)!

def show_and_save_image(img, img_name): # (8)!
    full_image_path = base_image_path.joinpath(f"{img_name}.jpg") # (9)!

    print("Opening the image in a new window...")
    cv2.imshow(img_name, img) # (10)!
    print(f"Saving the image to '{full_image_path}'...")
    cv2.imwrite(str(full_image_path), img) # (11)!
    print(f"Saved an image to '{full_image_path}'\n"
        f"image dims = {img.shape[0]}x{img.shape[1]}px\n"
        f"file size = {full_image_path.stat().st_size} bytes") # (12)!
    print("**IMPORTANT: Close the image pop-up window to continue!**")
    cv2.waitKey(0) # (13)!

def camera_cb(img_data): # (14)!
    global waiting_for_image # (15)!
        cv_img = cvbridge_interface.imgmsg_to_cv2(img_data, desired_encoding="bgr8") # (16)!
    except CvBridgeError as e:

    if waiting_for_image == True: # (17)!
        height, width, channels = cv_img.shape

        print(f"Obtained an image of height {height}px and width {width}px.")

        show_and_save_image(cv_img, img_name = "step1_original")

        waiting_for_image = False

rospy.Subscriber("/camera/rgb/image_raw", Image, camera_cb) # (18)!

while waiting_for_image: # (19)!

cv2.destroyAllWindows() # (20)!
  1. Of course, we always need to import rospy so that Python can work with ROS. What we're also importing here is the Python Path class from the pathlib module, which will be used to do a few file operations.

  2. Then, we're importing the OpenCV library for Python (remember the Python API that we talked about earlier), which is called cv2, and also that ROS-to-OpenCV bridge interface that we talked about earlier too: cv_bridge.

    From cv_bridge we're importing the CvBridge and CvBridgeError classes from the cv_bridge library specifically.

  3. We need to subscribe to an image topic in order to obtain the messages being published to it. You should've already identified the type of message that is published to the /camera/rgb/image_raw topic, so we import that message type here (from the sensor_msgs package) so that we can build a subscriber to the topic later.

  4. Next, we're doing a number of initialisations that should be very familiar to you by now:

    1. Giving our node a name.
    2. Initialising the node (i.e. registering it on the ROS network using rospy.init_node()).
    3. Specifying a rate at which we want the node to run.
  5. Then, we define a filesystem location that we'll use to save images to. We want this to exist in a folder called "myrosdata/object_detection" in the home directory, so we can use Pathlib's Path.home().joinpath(...) to define it (a handy way to access the User's home directory, without needing to know the Users name). Then, we use the Pathlib Path.mkdir() method to create this directory if it doesn't exist already.

  6. Here, we create an instance of the CvBridge class that we imported earlier, and which we'll use later on to convert ROS image data into a format that OpenCV can understand.

  7. We're creating a flag to indicate whether the node has obtained an image yet or not. For this exercise, we only want to obtain a single image, so we will set the waiting_for_image flag to False in our camera callback function once an image has been obtained, to avoid capturing any more.

  8. This function defines some image operations that we will need to repeat multiple times (this will become apparent later). The further annotations explain more about what's going on inside this function...

  9. Construct a full file path for an image (using the Path.joinpath() method) from:

    1. The base_image_path that we defined earlier and
    2. An image name that is passed into this function via the img_name argument.

      We'll use this to save the file to our filesystem later on.

  10. Display the actual image in a pop-up window:

    1. The image data is passed into the function via the img argument,
    2. We need to give the pop-up window a name, so in this case we are using the img_name argument that has also been passed into the function.
  11. This saves the image to a .jpg file. We're supplying the full_image_path that was created above, and also the actual image data (img) so that the function knows what image we want to save.

  12. We're printing a message to the terminal to inform us of (a) where the image has been saved to, (b) how big the image was (in terms of its pixel dimensions) and (c) how big the image file is (in bytes).

  13. We're supplying a value of 0 here, which tells this function to wait indefinitely before allowing our show_and_save_image() function to end. If we had supplied a value here (say: 1) then the function would simply wait 1 millisecond and then close the pop-up window down. In our case however, we want some time to actually look at the image and then close the window down ourselves, manually. Once the window has been closed, the execution of our code is able to continue...

  14. Here, we're defining a callback function for a rospy.Subscriber()...

  15. We want to make changes to the waiting_for_image flag inside this function, but make sure that these changes are also observed outside the function too (i.e. by the while loop that we talked about above). So, we change the scope of the variable to global.

  16. We're using the CvBridge interface to take our ROS image data and convert it to a format that OpenCV will be able to understand. In this case we are specifying conversion (or "encoding") to an 8-bit BGR (Blue-Green-Red) image format: "bgr8".

    We contain this within a try-except block though, which is the recommended procedure when doing this. Here we try to convert an image using the desired encoding, and if a CvBridgeError is raised then we print this error to the terminal. Should this happen, this particular execution of the camera callback function will stop.

  17. Then we check the waiting_for_image flag to see if this is the first image that has been received by the node. If so, then:

    1. Obtain the height and width of the image (in pixels), as well as the number of colour channels.
    2. Print the image dimensions to the terminal.
    3. Pass the image data to the show_and_save_image() function (as discussed earlier). We also pass a descriptive name for the image to this function too (img_name).
    4. Finally, we set the waiting_for_image flag to False so that we only ever perform these processing steps once (we only want to capture one image remember!). This will then trigger the main while loop to stop, thus causing the overall execution of the node to stop too.
  18. Create subscriber to the /camera/rgb/image_raw topic, telling the rospy.Subscriber() function the message type that is used by this topic (sensor_msgs/Image - as imported above), and we point it to a callback function (camera_cb, in this case), to define the processes that should be performed every time a message is obtained on this topic (in this case, the messages will be our camera images)

  19. Go into a while loop, and use the rate.sleep() method to maintain this loop at a speed of 5 Hz (as defined earlier) whilst checking the waiting_for_image flag to see if an image has been obtained by our subscriber yet. We only really want to obtain a single image here, so once the waiting_for_image flag changes to False, the while loop will stop.

  20. Finally, cv2.destroyAllWindows() ensures that any OpenCV image pop-up windows that may still be active or in memory are destroyed before the node shuts down.

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