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Launch Files


As you should know from the COM2009 ROS Course, Nodes can be executed on a ROS network in two ways:

  1. Using the rosrun command:

    rosrun {package name} {script name}
  2. Or by using roslaunch:

    roslaunch {package name} {launch file}

In Assignment #1 Part 1 you learn that a launch file is an xml file with a .launch file extension. Inside this we can ask ROS to do a number of different things from one single roslaunch command-line call.

roslaunch offers a number of advantages over rosrun:

  • Multiple nodes can be executed simultaneously.
  • roslaunch will launch the ROS Master for us, if isn't already running (so we don't have to manually call roscore).
  • From within one .launch file, we can launch other .launch files.
  • We can pass in additional arguments to launch certain things conditionally, or pass specific arguments to certain ROS nodes.
  • As if that wasn't enough, there is also a roslaunch Python API, allowing us to launch nodes from within other (Python) nodes!

In this section we'll talk about some of these advanced features that you may find useful.