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Installing ROS on Windows (using WSL)

Applicable to: Those who have a Windows 10 or 11 personal machine.


  1. Your computer must be running Windows 10 Build 19044 or higher, or Windows 11.
  2. Update the GPU drivers for your machine.
  3. Install or update WSL:
    1. If you don't already have WSL installed on your machine then follow these instructions to install it.
    2. If you do already have WSL installed on your machine, then follow these instructions to update it.
  4. Install the Windows Terminal.
  5. Install Visual Studio Code and the WSL extension.

Install and configure an Ubuntu 20.04 WSL distribution

  1. Launch PowerShell and enter the following command to download and install an Ubuntu 20.04 distribution for WSL:

    wsl --install Ubuntu-20.04 --web-download

    The installation might take a few minutes, but once complete the distribution should automatically be launched.

  2. From within the new Ubuntu distribution, update and install a few important tools:

    1. Update existing packages:

      sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
    2. Install the latest version of Git:

      sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa
      sudo apt update && sudo apt install git

    3. Make sure a few additional packages are also installed:

      sudo apt install eog dos2unix curl wget

Installing ROS

Having installed and configured your Ubuntu 20.04 instance, continue on to the next page and follow the steps for Installing ROS (and dependencies).